Sunday A. M. Bible Study -
Sunday A. M. Worship -
Sunday P. M. Worship -
Wednesday Evening Bible Study -
700 Mill Street
Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Gospel Plan of Salvation
Hear -
Believe -
Repent -
Confess -
Be baptized -
Live faithfully -
Some years ago the F.B.I. issued a report which listed six ways in which young people get hurt. These six avenues consisted of activities that could ultimately lead young people into ruin. It is interesting that dancing was number two on the F.B.I. list. The other potentially dangerous activities included drinking, gambling, parking and petting, reckless driving, and mixed swimming.
With the advent of modern rock music and its counter culture, the modern dance has become so popularized that for a teenager not to dance is considered "strange." However, let it be noted that sound gospel preachers, godly elders, and devout Bible teachers, without exception, have stood solidly against the modern dance. By word of mouth, in the pulpit, and before Bible classes, we have taught our young people to avoid this worldly form of popular pleasure.
The very fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation listed dancing as one of the dangers in the paths of young people should be an eye opener to many people. However, weak and worldly brethren have ridiculed any attack on the modern dance, and sadly have embraced it as a form of popular activity. The modern dance has now reached new popularity with the arrival of the rock-
We have noted that the highest law enforcement agency in our land realized the dangers of the modern dance, but what does the Bible say concerning this subject? The Bible condemns the modern dance as a form of worldly sin. First, Paul lists "lasciviousness" in Gal. 5:19 and says that the practitioners of such will be denied the heavenly estate (Gal. 5:21). Paul uses a Greek term here that means "indecent bodily movements" and "unchaste handling of males and females." This condemns the modern dance whether it takes the form of a close embrace or the wild and suggestive bodily movements that are so much a part of today’s modern dance. Other scriptures which in principle condemn the modern dance include Matt. 5:27,28; Matt. 5:8 and I Cor. 6:18-
Although dancing is popular and pleasing to many, it is on the other hand sinful, sensual, and evil to Christians who are children of Almighty God. Our young people must beware of the modern dance and its dangers. It is truly a sad day when educators sanction it; preachers condone it, and parents allow it.
Robert R. Taylor, Gospel Banner, June 1987