Mt. Vernon Church of Christ


Sunday A. M. Bible Study - 9:30

Sunday A. M. Worship - 10:30

Sunday P. M. Worship - 5:00

Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 6:00


700 Mill Street

Mt. Vernon, Indiana  47620


(812) 838-2635


Gospel Plan of Salvation

Hear - Rom. 10:17

Believe - Mark 16:15,16

Repent - Luke 17:3

Confess - Rom. 10:10

Be baptized - Acts 2:38

Live faithfully - Titus 2:12

“If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God...” (I Peter 4:11) Mt. Vernon Church of Christ Articles

Getting Back To Basics - Earl West

The Ten Commandments - Garland Robinson

Principles of Peculiarity - Foy E. Wallace, Jr.

Worship - H. A. “Buster” Dobbs

Sermons in Early Restoration Worship - Dabney Phillips

If The Foundations Be Destroyed - Sidney White

The Placid Pulpit - Rick Popejoy

Preaching Truth and Being Lost - Garland Robinson

The Boundaries of Fellowship - Michael Gifford

They Would Not Bow, Bend or Burn - Charles Coats

Are There Christians In All Churches? - Ernest S. Underwood

Rabbi? Reverend? Doctor? Father? Or Pastor? - Rod Rutherford

Men Are Made Free In Christ - Joe Gilmore

I Don’t Know How To Invite My Friend To Worship - Joe T. Spivy, Jr.

The Advantage of Bible Classes - Ronnie Whittemore

The Doings of the Land  - Garland Elkins

Give Me That Old Time Religion - W. Gadys Roy

Tact or Contact - Johnny Ramsey

Why Was It Never Mentioned Again? - Wayne Jackson

Consider How God Must Feel  -  O. B. Porterfield

The Power of Peer Pressure - David Johnson

Be Not Conformed - Jimmie B. Hill

The Third Epistle of Paul to Timothy - Steve Gibson

Let Us Teach As Jesus Taught - Thomas B. Warren

Does The Bible Contradict Science? - Russell Kline

Repentance: Resulting in a Reformation of Life - Russell Kline

Should I Be Baptized Again? - Russell Kline

Does The Truth Need A Defense?  - Robert R. Taylor, Jr.

Some Misrepresentations Corrected - Bill Jackson

The Lord Opened Lydia’s Heart - Winston c. Temple

Should We Observe Easter? - G. Robinson

On Being Judgmental - Herschel Dyer

The Abominable Seven - John Gipson

Embracing Sodom - Garland Robinson

When Did We Start Going To Denominations? - O. B. Porterfield

A Cure For Apostasy - William S. Cline

Do Not Forget - ELP

Being  Righteous in a Carnival of Vice - H. A. “Buster" Dobbs

Noah, Preacher of Righteousness - H. A. “Buster” Dobbs

The Battle Is Of The Lord - Alton Fonville

The Witch of Endor - Guy N. Woods

Faith Versus Knowledge - Guy N. Woods

Enough Is Enough - Steve Higginbothom

Three Battlegrounds - Keith Mosher, Sr.

False Religion Deceives - Max Miller

Adhering to the Bible - Benjamin Franklin

The Greatest Victory - Cled Wallace

Doctrinal Preaching - Frank Van Dyke

OBEDIENCE - C. R. Nichol & R. L. Whiteside

Immaturity In Marriage - Thomas B. Warren

Addressing God - Guy N. Woods

Walking By Faith - R. L. Whiteside

Secularizing The Church - Max Patterson

Prove Anything By The Bible - Guy N. Woods

The Trilingual Inscription - Foy E. Wallace, Jr.

Faith Does Not Dispense With Law - Gary Colley

Shall I Teach My Child Religion?

Religious Controversy - Alexander Campbell

Showing Respect For The Truth - Johnny Ramsey

Letter To A Preacher - Author Unknown

Love Over Doctrine? - Keith Marshall

Spoken Against - Maxie Boren

Noah’s New Year - ELP

Elders!  Is God Satisfied?  Earl Case

Is Faithful Attendance Important - Gary Colley

My Church - Howard Green

Barnabas - William S. Cline

Biblical Preaching, Modern Trends - Wallace W. Thompson

What Should The Church Of The Present Be? - J. W. Shepherd

The Centurion, Hitler and the Holy Spirit - Mark K. Lewis

Creation as Comparative Religion? - Bruce Malone

Parental Influence In The Life Of Jesus - Ken Thomas

Seeking and Saving the Lost - Gilbert Gough

Questions and Answers - Guy N. Woods

He’s Not Aiming At The Apple - Jodie Boren

Who Is The Antichrist? - Wayne Jackson

Never One Bad Thing - William S. Cline

President Garfield’s Appointment - Wade Martin

The Church of Christ Is . . . Eugene Greer

Homosexuality Is Sinful - Charles Leonard

Man Created in God’s Image - Guy N. Woods

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