Sunday A. M. Bible Study -
Sunday A. M. Worship -
Sunday P. M. Worship -
Wednesday Evening Bible Study -
700 Mill Street
Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Gospel Plan of Salvation
Hear -
Believe -
Repent -
Confess -
Be baptized -
Live faithfully -
Men, how would you react if the elders of the local church should compose all these guidelines with regards to your appearance in worship? 1) Men must wear dress shirts, ties, dress slacks and dress shoes. 2) Jeans are not allowed. 3) Tennis shoes are not acceptable. 4) Shirts with writing and cartoons are not approved. 5) Hair styles must be neat, trim and clean.
Ladies, how would you react if the elders should compose the following with regards to your appearance in worship? 1) Women are required to wear dresses, skirts and blouses, and all must be conservative in style. 2) Strapless or spaghetti strap dresses and bare midriffs are not acceptable. 3) Dress shoes and hosiery are required. 5) Jeans are not allowed. 6) Shirts with writing and cartoons are inappropriate. 7) Hair styles must be neat, trim and clean.
COMMENT: Most would resent receiving from the elders a set of dress codes. "They are overstepping their bounds," many would say. Others would say, "They are binding something that no one else would." AND many would go on wearing what they want to wear, however inappropriate for the occasion! (SAD...BUT TRUE)
HOWEVER....The preceding "DRESS AND GROOMING CODE, has been composed and imposed! Not by elders, but by SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. for its sales-
OBSERVATION: Of course, the code of Sears was to attract "paying customers" through their doors. Our desire should be to attract and retain the approval of God and the interest of others. When Joseph was called from prison to meet Pharaoh, "he shaved himself, and changed his raiment" and then "came in unto Pharaoh" (Genesis 41:14). As we would say, he "put his best foot forward." Appearance wise, he showed respect to the king. Can we do less to THE KING?
CONCLUSION: I agree with Sears, "there is no substitute for good judgment in proper dress." We must reverence worship! Whether we admit it or not, our dress and appearance reflect our respect for the occasion. I'm amazed and ashamed that many go to worship the creator of the universe dressed as they would go to a ball game. Does not the majesty of God demand more? Do men expect more at graduations, funerals and weddings than they do at the worship of Jehovah? It certainly appears so!!
Author Unknown