Sunday A. M. Bible Study -
Sunday A. M. Worship -
Sunday P. M. Worship -
Wednesday Evening Bible Study -
700 Mill Street
Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Gospel Plan of Salvation
Hear -
Believe -
Repent -
Confess -
Be baptized -
Live faithfully -
Truth is always truth. It changes not its clothing with the ebb of the seasons. Its countenance I eternally the same no matter who teaches it. No person or group owns its copyright. It is consistent, beautiful and powerful.
We must love the truth, not because we agree with it, nor because we always before believed it, nor because of who else believes it, nor yet because it is advantageous to us. We must believe and teach it because it is truth! All other motives are but satellites to this brightest of assets in the real man.
God has obligated the individual to religiously seek truth; to pledge his life to its promulgation no matter in what area of activity and thought it is revealed to him -
Garland Elkins