B. Spivey Ferguson -
Plus ...PSALMS are by definition with instruments.
Eric L. Padgett -
ELP: Your argument is that everything we do is worship, and since we can sing outside the corporate assembly with an instrument, then we can sing in the assembly with an instrument. If that is the case, then since everything we do is worship, and since you can be intimate with your spouse outside the assembly, then you can be intimate with your spouse inside the corporate assembly. We can orgy for Jesus! Yeah! Or, since everything you do is worship, and you can relieve yourself outside the assembly, then you can relieve yourself in the corporate assembly. We can poop for Jesus! Yeah! Since everything we do is worship, and since we can kill deer and hunt for meat outside the assembly, then we can kill deer and hunt for meat in the corporate assembly. Yeah! We can kill deer for Jesus! Honestly, this is a stupid hermeneutic.
Under the New Covenant, it is always sinful to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with the accompaniment of man-
Becky: "PSALMS are by definition with instruments"
ELP: We are commanded to sing. If the word "psalms" means by definition to play an instrument, then everyone in the assembly must play an instrument for it is a command. But it cannot be a wind instrument for the word psallo means "to pluck" (but since it meant "to pluck the beard" then we are authorized (by your hermeneutic) to all pluck the beard in worship, as worship, which would be kinda hard for you women to do). Furthermore, the scriptural instrument upon which we are to play is the heart ("making melody in your heart"). By the way, from where are you getting your definition? Is that from the same dictionary that says that "sing" means to "blow a harmonica"?
D. Campbell -
Everything we "do" is not worship but a christian who lives in humble reverent submission to God can worship "in" everything they do.
I'll challenge you to demonstrate with scripture that "worship" has anything at all to do specifically with "singing", "instruments", the "assembly", "scriptural authority".
Eric L. Padgett: Campbell: "I'll challenge you to demonstrate with scripture that "worship" has anything at all to do specifically with "singing", "instruments", the "assembly", "scriptural authority"."
I know (from experience) it will be fruitless for me to offer you anything from the scriptures or from reason, because they don't seem to take on you (and some others here). But I am willing to try my best. It is a common tactic that you use to never answer a single question directly and then ask others to answer your questions. Because the Lord is holy to me, it is right to answer questions asked of me (I Pet. 3:15). I don't expect you to do the same, however.
First, there is a clear relationship between worship and singing. Jesus said "In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men" (Matt. 15:9). The word translated "teaching" is the word "didasko." In Colossians 3:16 we are told to teach and admonish "one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing..." The word which is translated "teaching" here is the word "didasko." The teaching to be done here is done in singing. Thus, when we sing we teach and when we teach we worship.
Second, scriptural, New Testament worship has nothing to do with the instrument. Man-
Third, regardless of where the singing is done, psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are worship (e.g., Acts 16:24,25). Singing "in the church" is singing in the assembly (e.g., I Cor. 15:19), just as the Lord's supper was to be taken when they came together (I Cor. 11:18,20). The singing is reciprocal, for in Ephesians 5:19 the singing is to be "to yourselves" and in Colossians 3:16 we are to teach and admonish "one another."
Furthermore, since worship involves teaching (Matt. 15:9) and since teaching is done, in part, through singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16), and since this is done in the assembly (I Cor. 14:15), this is a worship assembly. It is, by the way, in the assembly of the saints where the Lord's supper is also taken on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) and where the collection was taken (I Cor. 16:1,2). It was during the assembly that prayer was made (e.g., I Cor. 14:15; Acts 12:12). So we have teaching and the Lord's supper (Acts 20:7), singing and prayer (I Cor. 14:15) and giving (I Cor. 16:1,2) in the assembly of the saints, when they came together in one place (I Cor. 11:18,20,33, etc.). This corresponds with what we know of even the very early church (Acts 2:42). This is the worship assembly.
Finally, concerning "scriptural authority." Paul made clear that we need to do all that we do in religion in the name of the Lord Jesus, which means by His authority (Acts 4:7-
Now, you will ignore this as you have everything else I have written and will continue to do because you can't do anything else. You don't have anything to offer but your feelings and opinions and sarcasm. That is enough for some, maybe most on this forum, but it doesn't cut it with the truth or the Lord (I Pet. 4:11).
Now, since I addressed in some detail your questions, I am hoping that it might move you in some small way to actually address the questions I asked you. For that reason, I am leaving them here again.
T F If the Bible was clear on an issue, there would not be so much disagreement on that issue
T F The Bible is clear on the divinity of Jesus
T F The Bible is clear on the issue of man-
T F If the word of God was specific on the music question, then there would not be so much disagreement on that issue
T F If the Bible was clear on the question of Jesus' divinity, then there would not be so much disagreement on that issue
P. Mc Abee Gossett No, can't find it nowhere in NT. No reference to it. This constant trying to say this is ok or that is ok just because some believe it is time for the Ch o Christ to come up with modern times, leave the old ways behind because some of us ( IM group) have been enlightened. They say lets love the Lord and IM definitely sounds better( to us humans, but what about God?) How does it sound to God and His Son Jesus? God said it is not in man to understand God's thoughts or ways. Don't look for loop holes to change things because you think it doesn't say anything aganist it.
Eric L. Padgett: It is humorous in a sad way that you all want to talk about what God said but never use His word to show what He said and when it is quoted to you, you ignore it.
J. Crawley -
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.
2 Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
3 Praise Him with TRUMPET sound;
Praise Him with HARP and LYRE.
4 Praise Him with TIMBREL and dancing;
5 Praise Him with loud CYMBALS;
Praise Him with resounding CYMBALS.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! ~ Psalm 150 ~
Eric L. Padgett: Was this under the Old Covenant or under the New covenant?