The first part of this discussion is found here.
B. S. Ferguson: Your question is what makes no sense to anyone else....
Eric L. Padgett -
B. S. Ferguson: YOUR QUESTION: Mr. Campbell, if the Word of God's specificity ruled out all of man's innovations, then why doesn't everyone already believe Jesus is the Christ?
THERE is ZERO correlation OR causation between whether or not God specifically ruled out man's "innovations" (whatever you mean by that!?).....and your question...'why doesn't everyone already believe Jesus is the Christ?
Spefically why? Because no one can understand what you mean by the question! What do you mean? There is NO logic in the question nor anything
Eric L. Padgett: B., do you agree with Campbell that if the Bible was specific on an issue, then there would be no disagreement among people regarding that issue?
B. S. Ferguson: Yes....well....not really "NO" disagreement because I think some are going to disagree with everything...but generally YES.
There IS NO disagreement about Jesus being the Christ. There is unbelief by some...but among believers NO DISAGREEMENT.
B. S. Ferguson: God LOVES musical intruments (sic) and dancing and He is the same yesterday today and forever!
D. Campbell: Eric L. Padgett first of all, I guess you "inferred" that because I didn't Say it.
Second, I was being sarcastic.
B. S. Ferguson: I recognized that and cannot IMAGINE anyone else NOT recognizing it.
D. Campbell: B. S. Ferguson I still can't tell what point he is trying to make. This whole post was supposed to be funny.
Eric L. Padgett: Oh, but there is disagreement about the divinity of Christ among those who call themselves Christians. There are some who do not believe He is divine. Some believe He is merely human. There are different views about His divinity. Just do a search on it. Was Jesus the Logos from eternity? Was He the Son from eternity? Is He a man now in heaven? Is He subject to the Father? Is He fully God? But if you think that disagreement means the Bible is not clear, then you must believe that the divinity of Jesus is not clear in the Bible.
B. S. Ferguson: Eric L. Padgett where are you going with that? I KNEW I should not have added any words to your alread (sic) incomprehensible ones.
D. Campbell: Eric L. Padgett brother. Perhaps you should start a new post if you'd like to discuss this. I don't see how it has anything to do with this one.
Eric L. Padgett -
D. Campbell -
B. S. Ferguson -
Eric L. Padgett -
B. S. Ferguson: Good grief! You don't understand anything that has been said to you and just keep on saying incomprehensible things and demanding things that don't exist!!!???
Eric L. Padgett -
B. S. Ferguson: NO...sing is NOT specific.
B. S. Ferguson: Did Elvis sing? Do the Gaithers SING?
Eric L. Padgett -
D. Campbell -
Eric L. Padgett -
D. Campbell -
(To Be Continued…)