A farmer had a bumper crop. The seed produced so plentifully that he lacked the room to store his crops. He considered what he would do and decided to tear down his barns and build larger ones. He thought, “These larger barns will hold my abundant harvest; I have all I need and can take it easy eat drink and be merry.”
This story is one of Jesus’ parables and is in Luke 12:16-
God said to this self-
This covetous farmer thought life consisted in an abundance of things. He made a mistake so serious it cost him eternal life. If all you have when you die is grain in the bam, then you are blind and naked.
Never put earthly things before God. The fruit reveals the tree. We neglect teaching the Bible to family and friends because we are too busy with our hobbies. We neglect the assembly because of our entanglement in the affairs of this world. We neglect the hungry or the sick because we lust for entertainment and recreation. If we have no time for God, then He will laugh in the day of our calamity, and will mock when fear comes upon us (Prov. 1:26).
“Careless soul, O heed the warning, for your life will soon be gone; O how sad to face the judgment, unprepared to meet thy God.”
Tracy Dugger, Firm Foundation January 1992