Practical Suggestions For Worship

Worship is an important and necessary part of the Christian’s life. However, some Christians complain that they don’t get anything out of worship. We must remember that worship is not primarily for us, but for the Lord. But here some basic, practical suggestions to make worship mean something to us, too,

First, get some sleep and be rested for the morning worship and Bible study. It is hard to worship God and study God’s word when you are struggling to keep your eyes open (Matt. 26:40,41). There are so many distractions in our lives these days and many of them are very important. But there are none as important as obeying the Lord and worshiping Him. We make certain we get our rest when we know we have to go work. How could the Lord’s work and worship be any less important?

Second, don’t bring your family problems to worship. If your mind is on your disagreement with your wife or husband or on the children’s behavior, then it is going to be difficult to meditate on your worship to God. The same is true of any other problem that you may be facing (Matt. 5:22-24; 6:33,34).

Third, don’t become distracted with the internet or Facebook or texting while worshiping God. Our technology today can be a great blessing. Many people use a Bible app on their phone (Heb. 12:1,2). However, there are also many temptations available to the person who uses their phone this way. There is always a temptation to read your mail or look at Facebook or some other site instead of focusing on the subject of the lesson. If you must use a phone Bible app, make an effort to not become distracted.

There is also a benefit to carrying a Bible to church and Bible study. Carrying a Bible allows people to know where you are going when they see you lave your house. It is a simple but effective way to be an example to others.

Fourth, know what you are going to wear to services Sunday morning before Sunday morning gets here. If possible, lay out the clothes you are going to wear to services on Sunday the night before, so that you will not be in a rush to try and find something that fits or that is clean. And wear clothes that are fitting to the occasion of worshiping the God of heaven. This will also increase your sense of worship and awe before the Lord.

Fifth, follow the song leader as he leads the songs. Don’t try to lead from the pew. Keep in time and follow his lead (I Cor. 14:33,40).

Sixth, while good singing can be very pleasing to the ear, the song service is not for your entertainment. It is for the worship of Almighty God. Sing enthusiastically as if you were before His throne because you are! When you sing, understand what you are singing (I Cor. 14:15,26).

Seventh, if you know the subject of the class, be prepared. If there is any scripture reading given in advance, have it read before you get to the building. If your children have Bible class work to be done, help them get it done before the class begins.

Finally, keep your children off the electronic devices while worshiping. While having them play games on a tablet may keep them quiet, it does not teach them the importance of worship. It is o.k. if your children become restless during services. You can correct that through discipline. But they must learn from an early age the importance of worshiping God (Prov. 22:6).

Eric L. Padgett