Daily Archives: November 28, 2013

101 Questions for Self Reflection

As we come to the close of the year, it is always good, I think, for each individual to reflect on his own life. Here are some questions which might be useful as a start in determining our spiritual status.

Am I right with God?
Am I doing all I can for the Lord?
Am I doing all I can spiritually for myself?
Do I have sin in my life now?
Do I know where I am going?
Do I know where I have been?
Do I know where God wants me to be?
Do I know what awaits me in the future?
Do I study the Bible enough? (Every day? Week? Month?)
Do I give in to temptation?
Do I know what my weaknesses are?
Have I tried to overcome my weaknesses?
Am I thankful enough for all have received?
Do I realize how blessed I am?
Do I pray (talk to God) enough?
Do I sing (psalms, hymns and spiritual songs) enough?
Am I truly happy?
Is there true joy in my heart?
Do I tell others about Christ often enough?
Does the word of Christ dwell in me richly?
Do I have an influence on other people?
Do my friends and acquaintances know I am a Christian?
Do my friends and acquaintances know where I stand on issues (one church, baptism, faith only, homosexuality, abortion, etc)?
Do I worry too much?
Do I use foul language?
Do I watch the wrong kind of television?
Do I read the wrong kind of books?
Do I stand up for what I know is right?
Do I fear man? Circumstances? The future? God?
Do I grieve for the right reasons?
Do I use my time wisely?
Am I mean?
Am I kind?
Have I used my money wisely?
Have I laid up any treasures in Heaven?
If I have children, am I bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?
Do I provoke my children to wrath?
Do I provoke others to good works?
Do I just provoke others?
Is there true love in my heart?
Do I frustrate the grace of God?
Can others see Christ in me?
Am I zealous of the truth?
Am I zealous of the Lord’s church?
Am I zealous or am I ambivalent?
Am I weary of doing well?
Do I keep my eyes open for opportunities to glorify God?
Have I lied?
Do I have a tendency to lie?
Is the truth important to me?
Am I easily persuaded to believe that which is not true?
Do I have a tendency to believe the worst about others?
Do I behave differently than the world?
Am I a follower of men or a man?
Do I easily become angry?
Do I laugh at unseemly jokes?
Do I tell unseemly jokes?
Do I sacrifice for the Lord?
What is most important in my life, things of God or man?
Who is most important person in my life?
Do I try to live peaceably with all men?
Can I explain to others why I believe what I believe?
Do I know what I believe?
Do I pray for the spread of the gospel?
Do I work for the spread of the gospel?
Do I esteem others better then myself?
Am I sincere?
Do I try to be something that I am not to gain the favor of others?
Do I behave as if I am ashamed of the Lord?
Do I rejoice when I know someone has done well or prospered?
Do I trust in God?
Do I trust in God enough to do what He says even when it doesn’t seem to prosper me?
Would others think of me as humble?
Am I vain? Would I admit if I were?
Do I dress in a way that looks dignified and Christ like?
Do I dress in a way that respects other’s sensibilities?
Do I conduct myself in a way that is respectable?
Do I behave a certain way because that is the way people act in the group that I associate with or do I conduct myself at all times as Christ would?
Does the crowd I associate with help me to live the Christian life?
Do I follow the example of good men and women I know?
Do I try to leave a good example for others to follow?
Do I try to think on things that are good and wholesome?
Do I let go of things in the past that keep from being my best as a Christian?
Do I regularly think about the Lord coming again?
Is there anything I wouldn’t give up for the Lord and His Cause?
Do I mind my own business?
Do I regularly give thanks for the blessings I receive?
Am I judgmental?
Do I treat all men with dignity?
Am I longsuffering with those who are trying but fail?
Do I truly love my family? My husband? My wife? My children?
Have I gotten rid of all the idols in my heart?
Have I torn down completely all the altars I had before I obeyed the gospel? The ones I allowed to be built even after I became a Christian?
Do I have patience with others? With myself?
Do I abstain from all appearance of evil?
Will the Lord be able to say “Come thou blessed of the Father.”
Does God know me?
Do I know God?
Have I fought a good fight?
Have I finished my course?
Is there laid up for me a crown of righteousness?

Anyway, these are some things to think about. Certainly there are many more. Maybe these will serve as a start.

Eric L. Padgett