Daily Archives: June 30, 2013

The Giants Will Fall

Davidslaysgoliath  David did not set out to be a great champion of Jehovah. While his three brothers set out to follow Saul, David went back to his father in Jerusalem to feed the sheep (I Sam. 17:13-15). However, such was the heart of David for the Lord that, when, having been sent by his father to bring food to his brethren, he heard the boasting heathen Philistine Goliath and asked who is this Philistine that “he should defy the armies of the living God” (v. 26).

It was not because he wanted to see the battle or because he was mischievous as he was accused of by his frightened brethren (v. 28). He was genuinely disturbed that no one of God’s people were willing–or had the courage–to stand up to the heathen blasphemer. Because there was no one there to fill the gap, David willingly and humbly offered himself to face the giant of Gath. He did so based upon his faith in God’s power to deliver him, a faith based upon his experience with God’s providential care.

Saul had warned David that he was but a youth but Goliath was a man of war from his youth (v. 33). David’s faith stood fast: “Let no man’s heart fail because of him” (v. 32). David tried and cast off Saul’s armor. He could not be something he was not (v.39). David went out with what he knew and took five smooth stones and a sling to face the giant (v. 40). Goliath had disdain for David boasted of what he would do after he had cursed him (vv. 33,34). David simply said “Thou camest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I came to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts…” (v. 45).

How many today in the Lord’s church are like Saul, Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah, and the rest of Israel? How many are afraid to confront the Goliath’s of our time? How many are there like David who, loving the Lord and His Truth, are willing to face the seemingly unbeatable foes? If we trust in the Lord, as David did, we have no cause for alarm. If we come in the name of the Lord, the giants will fall.

Eric L. Padgett