It has become the practice to fund, at least in part, various works of the local congregation by having catfish dinners and yard sales. These practices are openly advertised in some church bulletins and participation is encouraged. The feedback we have received when inquiring about such activity is that several thousands of dollars are raised at such dinners. We assume the yard sales are also productive of financial profit. The stated objectives of providing camp opportunities and mission work opportunities are noble, so what is the big deal! Why don't all the churches start raising money for church activities by having catfish dinners and yard sales?
The obvious answer as to why all churches do not have catfish dinners and yard sale fund-
What about bingo? This is a proven way of attracting crowds and raising money. Car washes lave been popular with denominations. There is absolutely no way the preacher, elder, or church member can consistently approve, support, or encourage church of Christ catfish dinners and yard sale fund-
These are serious matters in that such practices constitute departures from the faith. They are not matters of opinion or matters of expediency. It will not do to simply shrug one's shoulders or laugh it off or just ignore the fact that catfish dinners and yard sale fund raisers by churches of Christ have no authority. If they did have Bible authority, then it would have been presented long ago. Brethren who are engaging in such fund-
Jim Lewis, Seek The Old Paths, August 2005